I Count! Do you?


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Birders Needed!

Once again this year, the San Fernando Valley Audubon Society will once again join chapters across the country and in North and South America, Hawaii, and the Caribbean and take part in the National Audubon Society’s 114th Annual Christmas Bird Count.

The initial San Fernando Valley CBC was held in 1957 and this will represent our 56 successive CBC. Over the years there have been some interesting changes in bird populations in the count circle as it has transitioned into a more suburban area. Last year, thanks to helpful weather and the 42 counters, we tallied 140 species, our highest total since 1995, but well short of our record count of 160 species in 1993. To approach that record, we need more birders joining established count sectors.

Extensive birding experience is not a prerequisite, only a willingness to come out and count—wind, rain, or shine. Those unable to join one of the count groups may assist by noting species and numbers of birds at backyard feeders local parks and neighborhoods provided such counts take place within a 7.5 mile radius circle from the count center at the intersection of Balboa and Nordhoff. Please report all such counts along with the time spent observing to the compiler by post, or e-mail (jimmoore@socal.rr.com) no later than and preferably before January 14, 2014.

Count participation is FREE and open to all. Traditional count sectors are listed below. 

Hansen Dam and Vicinity. Meeting time: 7:00 AM

From the intersection of Osborne and Glenoaks, go north on Osborne to Dronfield (signal), turn right on Dronfield and enter park. Proceed downhill to large parking lot. Look for counters with binoculars. Bring lunch, drink, and be prepared to walk. Leader: Jim Moore, jimmoore@socal.rr.com or (661) 317-1600.

Bee Canyon and O’Melveny Park. Meeting time: 8:00 AM

From the intersection of Balboa and Rinaldi, go north to Balboa and Sesnon. Turn left (west) on Sesnon and continue 1/2 mile. Park is on the right. Meet in the parking lot. Leaders: Ron Melin, er2melin@gmail.com & Tracy Drake, tdrake@torranceca.gov.

Sepulveda Wildlife Basin & Lake Balboa. Meeting time: 7:30 AM

Meet in the parking lot east of Woodley Avenue, north of Burbank Blvd. and south of the Tillman Water Treatment Plant. Bring lunch, drink. Leader: Kris Ohlenkamp, kris.ohlenkamp@sfvaudubon.org.

Limekiln Canyon. Meeting time: 8:00 AM

Meet on the south side of Chatsworth Street, a half block west of Tampa. Park on the north side of the street. Leader: Carolyn Oppenheimer, carolyn.oppenheimer@sfvaudubon.org.

Pierce College. Meeting time 8:00 AM

Meet at the corner of Victory Blvd and DeSoto. Leader: John Lobel, john.lobel@gmail.com.

Chatsworth Reservoir. Meeting time 8:00 AM

This sector is tentative, pending approval by DWP. Check with the leader before showing up. Meet at the gate on Valley Circle Blvd., just west of the junction of Plummer and Valley Circle Blvd. Leader: Art Langton, wrentit@att.net.

Bull Creek & west of Balboa Park. Meeting time 8:30 AM

Enter the park at the entrance road on the east side of Balboa Blvd, south of Victory Blvd. Meet in the small, paved handicapped and bus parking area in the dirt overflow parking lot between Balboa Blvd and Lake Balboa. Leader: Allan and Muriel Kotin, akotin@earthlink.net.

Reseda Park & Los Encinos State Historic Park. Meeting time 8:00 AM

Meet in the parking off Victory Blvd, at the east end of Reseda Park. Leader: Pat Bates, pat.bates@sfvaudubon.org.

Chatsworth Park, Oakwood Cemetery & other nearby parks. Meeting time 7:00 AM

Meet at McDonalds on the corner of Roscoe and Topanga. Leader: Jim Hardesty, jnhardesty@att.net.