For Nature Education

and the Conservation of Wildlife

In the News

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Advocates say homeless encampments in Sepulveda Basin raise fire risk

Check the link below to see Chapter President Kathy Barton interviewed by local KABC 7 Eyewitness News about the hazardous conditions brought on by illegal encampments in the Sepulveda Basin. read more

Homeless: Audubon Society activists pressure elected officials to enforce no-camping rules in Sepulveda Basin

“Our main concern is public safety,” Barton said, adding that the fire danger is so extreme in the Basin during hot summer months. “There’s so much weedy growth and so many encampments.” Click to read full article read more

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SFVAS issues urgent press release in response to dangerous situation in the Sepulveda Basin

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Katheryn Barton 747-237-3720 June 25, 2024: Yesterday June 24, 2024, a brush fire started at an illegal encampment in the Sepulveda Basin resulting in an explosion injuring 11 of our LAFD firefighters, one severely. As reported by KTLA: LAFD Capt. Freddy Escobar, who is also president of the union representing L.A. firefighters,… read more

Come Celebrate Black Birders Week at Sepulveda Basin!

To celebrate #BlackBirdersWeek2024, San Fernando Valley Audubon will be hosting 2 bird walks at the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve, one on Sunday May 26, and the other on Saturday June 1. Both will start at 9 am, and be led by Alexander deBarros. Alexander is a black birder who has been interested in birds for… read more

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Birdathon 2024 Announcement

LOOK!: Up in the SKY! It’s…it’s… It’s Birdathon 2024! Actually, the picture shows one of our dedicated Birdathon team leaders, Luisa, along with one of her “Young Birders Group in the final Birdathon event for 2023. It is our tradition to hold “Birdathon”, our major annual fund-raising event for the San Fernando Valley Audubon Society… read more

Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan - Act Now!

Written by President Katheryn Barton, Pat Bates, Joanne Millius, and Muriel Kotin on behalf of the SFVAS Conservation Committee The Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan Public Draft lays out the framework for expanding the footprint of the Los Angeles River and its tributaries throughout the basin, while retaining and expanding recreational facilities, flood and water storage… read more

photo by Alex Viduetsky

San Fernando Valley Audubon Society Membership

Our fun and informative bird walks are free to anyone who wants to come along. Everything we do for education and conservation is free. Our members are our core, the people who understand the importance of birds in nature, who follow our activities and join us with their voices when we need to advocate for an important environmental issue. Please become a member and be part of all that SFVAudubon does!

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