Join us for a fun and interactive bird walk! All ages are welcome but this walk will be geared towards K-12 students. We meet on the last Saturday of every month from 9am to approximately 11am. The locations vary so check back each month to keep up to date. Each walk will cover about one mile of even ground, however there may be small inclines and some uneven paths along the way. Feel free to bring a notebook and pencil to participate in extra activities. As this is an outdoor activity face masks are not required, but strongly encouraged to keep our younger and high-risk attendees safe.
Binoculars are very important to the enjoyment of birdwatching. We can provide binoculars for those who do not have any, but supplies are limited so please bring your own pair if possible.
Interested in joining us? Just show up, or email Luisa and/or Rebecca at for more information. (Directions are right here, below).