Join us for a conversation about the powerful impact native plants can have in inviting birds back into our lives while simultaneously reversing the impacts of many crises facing our planet. Beginning with the his own journey into creating native habitat at his Los Angeles home, David will look at the way indigenous plant habitat amplify bird food sources, encourage nesting and provide sanctuary where traditional landscapes fail. With loss of habitat driving the catastrophic decline of birds world-wide, re-thinking our own back yards- 40 million acres in the US alone- is our next great step toward protecting resident and migratory birds (and other wildlife) needlessly struggling to survive. In doing so, we’ll also see that we can make urban and suburban spaces more efficient, resource-wise and regenerative. Regardless of who we are, or where we live, native plants can play a vital role in making our yards more wild, more equitable, and more just for the whole community of people, animals and plants.
David Newsom is a father of two wild ones, a husband and a 30 year veteran of film and tv. He founded the Wild Yards Project in 2018, after watching his own sterile urban yard spring to life, courtesy of native plants, a lot of love and the guidance of great teachers. David draws on his past as as storyteller and photographer to spread awareness of the native habitat movement far and wide. The Wild Yards Project combines social media, education, community gardens and consultation to help retrofit biodiverse habitat into urban and suburban spaces. David created the Wild Yards Project because his plants insisted.
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